When I first saw the tweets about #twitterxmassingle I didn't know if it would work.
Brenda Drumm @BrendaDrumm had tweeted a few days before about organising a Twitter Christmas single. Her idea, like many great one are, was simple. People would get together using the power of Twitter to record a song for a charity.
But would many turn up I wondered? Would anyone be able to sing. I certainly don't have a recording voice and doubted I could make a viable contribution. But I know how to 'tweet' and I realise the power of social media.
Then I heard Brenda and co had chosen The Neo Natal Unit in Holles St and I was committed.
Over 17 years ago our first son was born in Holles St after his mother had a difficult pregnancy. He was a few weeks premature and went to Unit 8, the Special Care Unit. This is one of the most scary moments for any parent. There are a lot of machines and bleeping noises. UV lights and tiny little mites clinging on for life. But the staff were amazing. They were so precise and delicate in their handling of these little babies. They reassure you with every comment they make. He had a short stay in Unit 8 and is now nearly six foot and a great young man. Just like any other teenager but he was like all who go to Neo Natal units 'Special'
Fast forward to 1997 and our second son is born, again in Holles St. This time is more dramatic. He has a very rough birth coming 3 and a half weeks early and had to be resuscitated as he was born dead. He was transferred to Unit.8. Horrible night not knowing would he survive. Bad scans for brain activity. We were told he may have no bodily movement. A few days later, he may walk but he won't run. All this time in Unit.8. he is on a ventilator and other machines. All the time being cared for with unstinting commitment and respect.
He had a shadow on his brain showing where part of it was calcified due to trauma at birth from oxygen starvation. (stick with me it does get better !) After a couple of weeks he is released from the unit. We didn't know what life he would have. Totally floppy a lot of the time. After 12 weeks we got a CT scan on his brain. The shadow had gone. There was some minor damage but ....
Everything was delayed with him. But he walked, awkwardly at first, but he did. Now he is 14, he has had Epilepsy but is now off all medications and seizure free. He goes to mainstream school with some learning difficulties but he also goes to disco's, rides his bike, runs and roller blades ! He is able to have a normal life.
So all you Tweeps and people who buy #twintersong or 'Winter Song, the twitterxmassingle' this is an example of the great work that Unit 8 in Holles St do.
Oh, did I tell you he was singing in the Westin on Sunday?
Thank you 'Brenda Drumm & the Tweeps', you efforts will be remembered by others years from now.